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the letters from no one

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GUEST ROOM. just then, the mail arrived. harry had gotten used to this by now, but it had given him a bit of a shock on the first morning, when about a hundred owls had suddenly streamed into the great hall during breakfast, circling the tables until they saw their owners, and dropping letters and packages onto their laps.
Чт 16:58 - Milashka

the sorting hat

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REGISTRATION. hagrid looked at harry with warmth and respect blazing in his eyes, but harry, instead of feeling pleased and proud, felt quite sure there had been a horrible mistake. a wizard? him? how could he possibly be? he’d spent his life being clouted by dudley and bullied by aunt petunia and uncle vernon; if he was really a wizard, why hadn’t they been turned into warty toads every time they’d tried to lock him in his cupboard?
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Ср 21:27 - free

the writing on the wall

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ADS. they walked on through the dense, dark trees. harry kept looking nervously over his shoulder. he had the nasty feeling they were being watched. he was very glad they had hagrid and his crossbow with them. they had just passed a bend in the path when hermione grabbed hagrid's arm. login: pr password: 1111
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Пт 17:36 - free

dobby’s reward

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then he started telling them everything. for nearly a quarter of an hour he spoke into the rapt silence: he told them about hearing the disembodied voice; how he and ron had followed the spiders into the forest; how he had guessed that moaning myrtle had been the victim, and that the entrance to the chamber of secrets might be in her bathroom.
Чт 16:54 - maiami


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freebies приветствует тебя, путник, и искренне надеется, что ты, заходя погреться, останешься у нас насовсем. в данной теме мы собрали все возможные вопросы, которые только могли прийти нам в голову от твоего имени, и ответили на них для твоего удобства. здесь собрано все: от небольших правил до системы проекта, просвещайся! ♥
1 13 - о чем вообще форум?
Чт 16:51 - ritoroka

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